AdSense regular account & hosted account

Way back, the only way one can get to display AdSense ads and generate revenue was to apply to AdSense and after getting approved, one can then generate codes via AdSense and for Blogger blogs, copy-paste the code into a HTML/Javascript gadget to display the ads. This is referred to as a regular AdSense account.

In more recent days, one could also get what is referred to as a hosted AdSense account via Google services like Blogger or Youtube, and for Blogger, get to display the ads via a Blogger AdSense gadget (Dashboard > Layout > Add a gadget > Add an AdSense gadget).

However, recently bloggers had been reporting problems adding an AdSense link unit this way. What the blogger can do is to apply for a regular AdSense account. Or if you have AdSense ads via other host parner but want to display ads in your non-host partner website, you should also apply for a regular AdSense account. Here is how:

1. Sign in to your AdSense account.
2. On the Home tab, visit the Account settings page.
3, In the "Access and authorization" section, next to "Only host sites are allowed to show ads for your account," click edit.
4, On the “Show ads on other websites” page that appears, enter the URL of the site where you plan to show ads.
5, Click Submit.
6, Finally you need to implement AdSense ad code on the URL that you provided above, on a page that receives traffic.

When your application is approved, you can then generate AdSense code and place them in your own website (or copy-paste into a Blogger HTML/Javascript gadget) to display AdSense ads. Refer to Ad code implementation guide.
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